This is a remake of a drawing I made some time ago.
La idea me vino en 2005 en volando de Bolonia a Barcelona. El primer boceto, hecho en el avión era un desastre: tratando de reflejar el contraste de luz y oscuridad emborroné todo.
I had the idea while flying between Bologna and Barcelona. The first sketch, made in the airplane was a disaster: trying to tell the contrast between light and darkness I just smeared everything.

En 2007 lo volví a hacer, esta vez directamente en el ordenador. Acababa de adquirir una Wacom Cintiq y estaba experimentando con ella. Nunca me quedé conforme con esta versión, siempre me ha parecido cuadriculada, rígida y totalmente indigesta.
In 2007 I made it again, this time straight on the computer. I had just bought a Wacom Cintiq and I was trying to get familiar with it. I never got satisfied with this version, I always thought it was squared, stiff and absolutely stodgy.
Como la idea me sigue pareciendo buena, la he vuelto a dibujar. Esta vez hice un par de bocetos.
As I still thin the idea is good, I've drawn it again. This time I made a couple sketches.

Then I scanned the last one and redrew it on the computer tryint to be as "analogical" as I could.
Reproducciones impresas en este enlace.
Prints on sale on this link.
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