Del mismo modo que a veces omito farolas o papeleras si no pintan nada en un dibujo, dudo si incluir o no la escultura de Gaudí que alguna mente preclara decidió poner interrumpiendo el paso (lo de las cosas que se le hacen a Gaudí tiene su miga). Hay alguna página de internet que dice literalmente "... en 1999 el conjunto fue completado con una escultura...". So it goes. La cosa me deja tan boquiabierto que decido dibujarla como una especie de testimonio. La escultura en sí es sólo una cuestión de gustos, no tengo nada que decir (absolutamente nada), pero no tengo palabras políticamente correctas para expresar lo que me parece su presencia en el centro del escenario.
El dibujo que hizo Víctor se puede ver aquí.
Gaudí (& al. unfortunately)
The last day in August (CK again??). Víctor is drawing every Gaudí of Barcelona for a book. His plan for today is the Finca Miralles Fence so I go drawing with him. It's 4 in the afternoon, the sun is still high and casts long and quite ugly shadows, so I invent some others that probably do not exist but help explain the fanciful construction shapes.
Just as sometimes I leave out lampposts or litter bins if I think they don't matter with the drawing, I doubt whether to include or not the sculpture of Gaudí some brilliant mind decided to place standing on the way (things made to Gaudí are sometimes a joke). There's some website that literally says "... in 1999 the ensemble was completed with a sculpture ...". So it goes. I'm so speechless about that I decide to draw it as a kind of testimony. The sculpture itself is just a question of taste, nothing to say (absolutely nothing), but I have no words to express in a politically correct way what I think about its presence in the center of the stage.
The drawing Víctor made can be seen here.