En Barcelona no somos inmunes a esta incumbencia y luchamos contra ella de la única forma posible: yendo a un centro de asistencia capaz de suministrarnos mercancía de calidad. Nuestro favorito es George & Dragon, que dispone de 20 grifos distintos (que suelen ir cambiando) y más de 100 cervezas embotelladas. Allí me he ido enterando de la existencia de las stout, IPA o Porter, y de que hay vida más allá de las pilsener.
Estos 2 dibujos los hice uno en abril y el otro en junio, uno casi exactamente frente al otro. Nosotros solemos ir al final de nuestra jornada dibujera y antes de que empiece el jaleo nocturno: esa es la razón de que el ambiente no se vea demasiado concurrido. Los pocos que estaban simplemente los omití.
There's no need to be hawk eyed to observe that one of the common aftereffects of the urban sketching practice is the abnormal increment of the desire of drinking beer. This desire becomes exponentially multiplied when this practice is collective (I'd bet that the people that misses us the most in Santo Domingo are not our dominican friends but the cerveza Presidente staff).
In Barcelona we are not immune to this concern and we fight against it the only possible way: going to some assistance center able to supply us with high quality goods. Our favorite is George & Dragon which has 20 different taps (that change every couple weeks) and more than 100 bottled beers. It's been there where I've known about stouts, IPAs and Porters, and learnt that there's life beyond pilseners.
These 2 drawings were made in april and june, one almost exactly in front of the other. We use to go at the end of our drawing day and before the night muddle, it's because of this that the atmosphere is not too crowded. I just omitted the few ones that were there.