This drawings were made during a workshop I gave in Barcelona. The topic was urban transport and we went to draw in the underground, more specifically Espanya station. As I must pay attention to the attendees and give instructions to each one of them I had few time to draw so I had to steal little pieces of a couple minutes. I put the color at home.

La página de viñetas no tenía ningún proyecto en principio, pero a la mitad entreví una especie de hilo e imaginé los textos. Luego, también en casa, rotulé la página derecha en correspondencia. Se puede leer a tamaño grande en flickr.

The page with frames had no project at the beginning, but in the middle I caught a glimpse od some kind of thread and imagined the texts. Afterwards, also at home, I made the lettering in correspondence. It can be read big size on flickr but for those who don't understand spanish, here is an english version:
1 –Daddy, when does it come? –Soon, soon...
2 The lady of the stand of the stuff to feed the cavities do the sums.
3 Barcelona, 3rd meeting of the workshops "Barcelona Dibuixa" (Barcelona Draws), this time dedicated to transport. Our group has gone to Espanya station.
4 Went for garbain hunting and bought a little clothing, a little shoewear and a little pan set.
5 The girl has amazing legs but she mistreats them with some atrocious ankle boots so I prefer to look how she digits with her long-almost-as-her-legs fingers.
6 I love you more than my back pack
7 Fondo, Santa Coloma, Baró de Viver... (the list of all the stations of this line)