31 January 2010

Ostrich design

No splash faucet, conceived specially for houses with many children or without a dish washer. Its design, inspired on the ostrich way of problem solving, tries to avoid the boring job of drying drops over the tiles. I can tell it's 100% efficient on this issue.
This is I.K.E.A. (Idle Klutzy Earthy Artifacts) 7th issue.
Previous issues: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6.
(To be continued).


  1. Me encantan tus Klutzy Earthy Artifacts, són geniales. Me recuerdan los poemas visuales de Joan Brossa. Espero que nos deleites con muchos más

  2. Muchas gracias, la comparación es un verdadero honor.

  3. this is hilarious! It's true though...no spills!
