26 January 2009

Spaghetti gear

Or Idle Klutzy Earthy Artifacts 6th issue.
Previous issues: #1, #2, #3, and #4, and #5.

Thematic spaghetti fork.

Middle Age styled spaghetti fork.

Renaissance styled spaghetti fork.

Twirling spaghetti fork.
Someone stole me this idea (even before I've published it!!) and made this.
But mine is much better because it can twirl clockwise or counterclockwise (for left handed people) and it has 3 speeds: fast food, gourmet and diet. Ha!
(To be continued).


  1. genial this drawings. Reminds me the drawings of Bruno Munari.

  2. I like the Renaissance style the best! You clever you.

  3. Soy português e como sê que eres espanhol, escribo-te en la lengua de Cevantes. Me gusta todo lo que haces, esta es la verdad.

  4. Thank you everybody!
    José: Bruno Munari is one of my heroes, apart form his designs, I love so much his works for children and most of all, his writings about design. Imagine how flattered I can feel with your comment!
    France: Imagine 12 people wearing elegant (better if white) clothes, eating spaghetti with that forks. I think it could be an interesting scene.
    Vicente: Muito obrigado ao seu esforço! (esto lo he hecho con la ayuda de google, perdona mi ignorancia)
