06 April 2010

Mini hard work

I've talked about my work just one time on this blog (actually, I didn't tell anything). I work as illustrator, mainly for advertising and web agencies. I do 95% of my work on a Wacom Cintiq, this means I almost never draw on paper (and maybe can explain how I miss the touch and why I draw sketchbooks).
A couple of weeks ago Leif Peng invited me to Storyboard Central, one of those clubs you're immediately proud to join since you are a fan of almost all the members.
This was my first contribution:

I don't like to work fast. Or since drawing storyboards is always hasty, I'd better say I don't like to work this fast.
I made this job on january 2009. The client was an agency in Milan and the product was Mini. The first call came about 6 hours pm. It was the desperate call from a new client (the very first call, when you know that he's calling you of course because his favorite artist is not available and you say yes to everything).
The brief came in ten minutes and I sent this rough scribbles (everything was made with photoshop on a cintiq):

In half an hour I received an ok with no big corrections and made this clean-up.
I sent it again to the client that answered immediately: no changes!

As I finished a couple of frames I sent them to the client to allow him to work on the presentation. The last two frames were sent about 6 am, about 12 hours after the first contact.
The client was very satisfied of the job (mainly because the idea was approved).
About one month after it was on tv. This is the video:

Blogged also at Storyboard Central


  1. Un trabajo realmente genial, Miguel!

    Debe ser muy diferente dibujar sobre una tarjeta gráfica en comparación con un cuaderno, ¿verdad? ¿te costó mucho acostumbrarte?

  2. Gracias Álvaro. A los 2 ó 3 días pensé con un bastante cabreo que estaba bien pero que no valía para nada los 1000 euros que me había costado. Pero eso duró poco, al cabo de unos días más me hice con ella y hoy creo que si se me rompiera saldría corriendo a por otra. Es realmente fantástica. Eficiencia, velocidad, posibilidad des infinitas... perfecta para trabajar. Pero desde que la uso dibujo más cuadernos en mi tiempo libre, no sabes cómo echo de menos el papel.

  3. Absolutely amazing! Fantastic, fantastic work!

  4. Thank you for this post. This is very interesting information for me.

  5. I really liked your article and the photo is super. Thanks you.
