Hay un montón de gente del sur de España, unos cuantos de Portugal y unos pocos que venimos desde Madrid, Zaragoza y Barcelona. Los de Tánger son en su mayoría estudiantes. Hay muchas chicas. Pocas llevan velos o vestimenta que caracterice sus creencias. Me pregunto cuántas lograrán seguir así a los treinta.
No he conocido más que un poco de Tánger pero tampoco era una situación para dar rienda suelta a la curiosidad, citas programadas, mucha gente, muchos estímulos...
El viaje es corto, intenso, muy, muy divertido.
Illegal alien in Tangier
Meeting of the Fundación Tres Culturas's Proyecto Creamos in Tangier. I forget the passport, it's been a long since I do not travel out of Europe and I don't use to take it. Finally they make me some kind of 3 day safe-conduct but jokes and the feeling of being an illegal alien last till tha coming back. They give us a japanese sketchbook made specially for this meeting. I fill pages two by two as I use to. There's a lot of people from southern Spain, some from Portugal and few coming from Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona. The people coming from Tanger are mostly students. Many girls. Only a few with veils or colthes that could tell something about their beliefs. I wonder how many of them will remain this way when they will be thirty years old.
I have known only a bit of Tangier but it was not the occasion to give free rein to curiosity, scheduled meetings, many people, many attractions...
The trip is short, intense and so, so funny.
Una calle cerca de Bab El Bhar.

A street near Bab El Bhar.
Place Neuf Avril

Place Neuf Avril
Place de France desde el salón de té La Giralda.

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